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Estagnon (L')***

Address: 197, Chemin Henri Cabeu Bois Court, 97418 Plaine des Cafres
Location: Plaine des Cafres
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Guest score: 100% 67 of 67 recommend (51 reviews)
Directions: From Saint-Benoît, take the road to Plaine des Palmistes, then on to Plaine des Cafres. At the 23rd-km village, in front of the church and the Leclerc, turn right towards Bois Court. Drive about 3.5 km then turn left into Chemin Henri Cabeu

GPS coordinates

Coordinates to device
Latitude: -21.227594
Longitude: 55.512017
Latitude: -21° 13' 39"
Longitude: 55° 30' 43"

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