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Grévilléas (les)***

Address: Chemin Antoine Naze - RN 3 - PK 20, 97418 Plaine des Cafres (La)
Location: Plaine des Cafres
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Guest score: 93% 42 of 45 recommend (15 reviews)
Directions: From the north and coming along the Plains: from the Maison du Volcan, go down towards Le Tampon for 7 km. Les Grévilleas is on the right, 1 km from the Vito petrol pump. From the south, after the 19-km road sign and the Piton Hyacinthe roundabout, stay on the Route Nationale. Les Grévilleas is 1 km above the roundabout, on the left.

GPS coordinates

Coordinates to device
Latitude: -21.23231646
Longitude: 55.54553234
Latitude: -21° 13' 56"
Longitude: 55° 32' 44"

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